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I first discovered Parkour in 2005, and have been in love with movement ever since. As Parkour evolved, I slowly found myself being drawn towards the visual side of capturing movement.

I began photographing and filming parkour, and it became more and more of a focus for me. I still train when I am able, and maintain a functional skill level of movement. Having ability myself, I am able to follow athletes and access opportunities that has influenced my work dramatically.

Due to my experience, I really understand the movements and aesthetics of Parkour, and I think this is a key component of my style. I try to show the beauty of movement, by framing my subjects in the environment they are moving through.

Training in Cambridge, UK, has really influenced the way I approach shooting in general. Cambridge is known in the community for rooftops, technical parkour and challenging training locations.

I look for quality movement as a result, and I think it’s really key to look for clean parkour, to try to give an impression of lightness in my work. I want movement to look powerful, yet effortless. Strong but graceful.

I aim to capture the movement of the moment.