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I want to capture and share the experience and energy of movement,
its my passion to show parkour in the most dynamic and breathtaking way possible.

I have been a Parkour filmmaker and director since 2010. Having years of experience and background in the Parkour community, I developed my eye and understanding for movement. Parkour is such a nuanced practice, and I think its important to try to show it in an authentic and original way. Having a deep understanding of the movement, along with being able to easily communicate with athletes, allows me to get the best results possible.

I’ve worked with almost every top-level practitioner there is, and I think its important to have knowledge of their style and ability. This means they can feel confident their movement will be captured in a way that does it justice. I use a mix of traditional filmmaking techniques and POV cameras in my work. This allows me a lot of creative freedom with how I frame Parkour movements in any particular situation.

I’ve had an excellent track record for exposure with my work especially online, with over 20 million views on YouTube alone. Over the course of my work, I’ve had multiple viral hits with millions of views, and my work has gone on to international press and TV coverage numerous times. My goal as a filmmaker is to inspire others to move, and I hope that my work can give them insight into the incredible world of movement.

Parkour aside, I also work on non-movement projects from time to time. I’ve been involved in number of other short films and commercials for varying levels of production.

You can see a few of these projects where I have had a significant role in, on my portfolio page.