I was engaged by Vodafone to create timely content for their new V-Multi tracker. At the start of 2020, the UK experienced three weeks of exceptional rainfall and storms across most of the country. Due to the difficulty of shooting parkour in these conditions, I leant into the concept with a parkour shoot in the rain, with an umbrella as an example of an easily lost item, to represent the functionality of the V-Multi tracker. As with all my work for Vodafone, shooting in locations that envoke a feeling of being in a ‘Red World’ was paramount. I provided stills and video content within a tight turnaround for the product launch.
Year: 2020
Role: Influencer
Destination: Online
At the end of 2019, in response to the reception of the #BeUnlimited campaign over the summer, I worked with Vodafone again on the christmas campaign. I was requested to shoot some universal, holiday friendly content, with a recurring red theme. I opted for a fun christmas jumper to work with the pun of ‘jumping’ within Parkour, and found an authentic way to include a mobile device in the content as a means of delivering a ‘Happy Holidays’ message.
Year: 2019
Role: Influencer
Destination: Online